Trivia Night Sponsors

STAR St. Louis Avian Rescue needs your support! 100% of the proceeds from this fundraiser are used to meet our mission: To improve and enrich the lives of parrots through rescue, rehabilitative fostering, adoption, and education.


As the need for our unique rescue grows, so must we! We are seeking your sponsorship to help us meet the physical and emotional needs of current and future foster birds.


Sponsorships Levels

The Hyacinth – $2000

Presenting Sponsorship

  • Presenting sponsor on event title.
  • Solo large logo on trivia podium.
  • Table of 8 to play + premiere seating
  • Round of Trivia Sponsorship
  • Ad read aloud
  • Acknowledgement at start/end
  • Table toppers on each table
  • Logo on large sponsorship signs

The Scarlet Macaw – $1000: Sold Out

Premier Sponsorship

  • Table of 8 to play + premiere seating
  • Round of Trivia Sponsorship
  • Ad read aloud
  • Acknowledgement at start/end
  • Table toppers on each table
  • Logo on large sponsorship signs

The Cockatoo – $500: Sold Out

Trivia Breaks Sponsorship

  • Table of 8 to play + premiere seating
  • Full slide ad on screen in-between 10 rounds
  • Verbal acknowledgment during breaks
  • Logo on large sponsorship signs

The African Grey – $300

Round of Trivia Sponsorship

  • Full slide ad at start of round
  • Logo on corner of each slide during round
  • Logo on large sponsorship signs

The Sun Conure – $200: Sold Out

Tabling Sponsorship

  • Table toppers with logo on 20 tables
  • Logo on large sponsorship signs

The Cockatiel – $150: Sold Out

Snack Booth Sponsorship

  • 8.5×11 sign at concession stand
  • Naming of Snack Booth
  • Logo on large sponsorship signs

The Parakeet – $75

General Sponsorship

  • Logo on sponsorship signage at event entrance/exit

All levels are welcome to provide branded items or promotional materials for event gift bags