Your bird’s home is an important component of their well being. When choosing your bird’s home, it’s important to consider the cage dimensions, overall shape, material and bar spacing. Find our cage guidelines below.
And, check out our Cage Set-Up Tricks & Tips for some of the most common “no-no’s” when it comes to bird cages, and listed the reasons why certain components within a bird’s cage can be inappropriate (and sometimes even dangerous!).
Why we feel cage size & setup is so important:
A cage should not only be a bird’s safe space, but should also provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation.
A common question that we get asked is whether a cage should still be minimum sized and filled with toys even if the bird is only inside of their cage for a few hours a day – the answer is YES!
It’s great to provide a bird with plenty of time outside of their cage, but activities and enrichment should still be offered once they are put away. Don’t we still decorate rooms in our house even if we don’t spend most of our time in them? Life circumstances are also a consideration, since families who are able to have their birds out at all times are able to do so because of their current lifestyles. These can change, and a permanent job working from home is not necessarily guaranteed. Thinking ahead and making sure a bird is provided with at least the bare minimum is important.
Note: What measurements should I look at while cage shopping?
Advertised measurements often include the seed guard. This can be extremely deceiving and important to watch for. STAR’s cage requirements will always refer to the WIDTH & DEPTH (not height) of the actual cage (not including the seed guards).